⌐Copyright 1994-1995 Antoine ROSSET (rosset@dial.eunet.ch)
This is the developper toolkit to create your plugs for PlayerPRO software. For more informations, see PPPlug.h file.
Optional: PlayerPRO supports FAT plugs
Where to find the last version of Player PRO & the last version of Developper ToolKit?
On compuserve:
Ñ Mac forums/Entertainment forums/Sound Utilities[19].
On internet:
Ñ ftp: //ftp.mm.se/playerpro/ (PlayerPRO last version, french documentation, Developper ToolKit, utilities)
Ñ PlayerPRO is now also available on the World Wide Web. You can use your favourite browser to connect to http://www.mm.se/playerpro/home.html to read about and download the latest versions.
Ñ On major sites.
Ñ Join the PlayerPRO mailing-list !! (pp-users@gnu.ai.mit.edu)
Ñ In Switzerland, Pro Online, 2400->57600 baud╒s (+41 22) 738 26 26, FREE ACCESS to Rosset Forum.
Ñ In France, on Ellis-Paris, 2400->57600 baud╒s (+33 1 43 33 15 47)